Comprehensive Analysis
Overall economic analysis
Cost reduction programs
Individual market analyses
Sales analysis
Individual evaluations of company clientele
Matching with general sectoral market data via market research institutions
Integrated competition analyses
Presentation of a profile of strengths and weaknesses
Definition of market-specific measures
Financial Reporting Sales Controlling Costing Pricing |
In medium sized companies this means of controlling business is often neglected.
Since the controlling work is done cyclically medium sized business can have it done by experienced external consultants. Objectivity in interpretation and analysis with a distance from operative influences creates a surplus value in the realization of business goals.
Timely processing is an extremely important fact in this connection.
Location Evaluation Project Management Quality Management |
It is essential to adapt processes to the market reality. Thus the company needs to adapt its focus consistently to the market requirements.
Analytical interpretation, elaboration of a catalog of measures as well as an attended realization call for high personnel qualification, expertise and experience.
External consultants can take necessary measures without any company influences.
Reorganization requires a great deal of analytical competence coupled with comprehensive business experience.
Factors such as time, persuasiveness, confidence and financial competence are decisive success factors.
In the implementation of a concept the external consultant is free from interpersonal influences.
Their long term experience enables the consultants to act even as interim managers.
Especially in reorganization and restructuring projects it is advisable to work with an interim management to ensure long-term success.
In this way you can postpone the search for qualified managing personnel especially in critical periods and prepare it properly later on.